Ade and Mia from UniCa LGBT
Ade and Mia from UniCa LGBT

LIVE with Mia and Ade: UniCa LGBT

LIVE with Mia and Ade: UniCa LGBT

Mia and Ade are part of UniCa LGBT, an organization born ten years ago thanks to some students from the University of Cagliari. Their main aim is for LGBT people and allies to have a safe space where they can interact with each other.

Mia joined UniCa LGBT 5 years ago and is the treasurer of the organization. On the other hand, Ade joined one year ago and manages social media. Together with the other members, they aim to create a safe and inclusive space for LGBT people, as well as all discriminated groups. They wish to create awareness around many topics, such as consent for example. The specific projects they organize are both short- and long-term. Their activities are quite diverse, going from movie nights to voguing courses to conferences about LGBT struggles and activism. Monthly reunions are also organized during which they discuss projects, and how to design them regarding pamphlets, logos and other tools. They also offer the space for students to report discrimination they encounter.

UniCa LGBT is undeniably a feminist organization

UniCa LGBT does not have to be described as a feminist organization because, as Mia explained, the connection is quite obvious since it is a trans-feminist organization at its core. They are against all kinds of discrimination and try to be as mindful of all experiences as they can, whether it concerns race, class, or gender. They always had a very strong representation of women within their association, and their activism tries to be inclusive of all women, with a special focus on queer women due to the nature of the organization. For example, one of their projects concerns transitions in associations like carriera alias so that people can put their actual name instead of their dead name in their university records to avoid misgendering and other forms of prejudice. You can help by signing this petition.

Want to join UniCa LGBT? Contact them on Instagram or Facebook @unicalgbt, or by email at You can also visit the website

Listen to the podcast to learn more about UniCa LGBT, as well as Mia and Ade’s experiences!

About Pauline Lebutte

My name is Pauline, I am 24 years old and from Brussels, Belgium. When I turned 18, I left for two years to work and travel through Australia, Southeast Asia and Europe. So, when I got my master’s degree in Conflict and Development Studies, it was only logical for me to go on and travel again! But this time I wanted to have a positive impact on our world and acquire some work experience and new competencies at the same time. So I decided to participate in the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) and volunteer for TDM 2000 in Cagliari! and especially volunteering for TDM 2000 in Cagliari was just perfect!

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