Līva is 26 years old, she’s from Latvia and volunteered with the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) for the NGO TDM 2000 based in Cagliari, Sardinia. Whereas she was initially supposed to stay 7 months, she extended her stay to 1 …
LeggiLIVE with Irina: 1 year ESC experience in Sardinia
Irina is a 26-year-old Spanish journalist, who is currently in the last few weeks of her 1-year European Solidarity Corps (ESC) voluntary Service in Sardinia. She worked especially in the fields of social media and non-formal education and led her …
LeggiLIVE with Camilo: achieving happiness through solidarity
Irina meets Camilo, who volunteers to teach students in vulnerable situations in Valencia, Spain Camilo Calvache is a 26-year-old PhD student from Ecuador who currently lives in Valencia, Spain. He moved there to do a master’s degree after graduating in …
LeggiLIVE with Sara, who reflects on her ten-month volunteering experience in Sardinia
Growing through international volunteering. The host, Jamil, talks with Sara, who moved from Serbia to Sardinia, to volunteer in the local community. Sara Đurđević was originally working at a University in her home country Serbia when she decided to leave …
LeggiLIVE: Simone from Sardinia tells us his living abroad
Learning through International Volunteering Experience. Sara has met Simone, a young Sardinian guy that spent 8 months in Tirana in Albania promoting European values. Every second Friday in a month we are going to talk with a new guest. A …